Tuesday 7 August 2012

It's The End.

Journey of my first CDS has ended after a short period of four months. Being a newbie to school and all the subjects, EIR has given me the opportunity to learn about what is Internet ethics, researching about the different Internet resources (about how effective they are and their differences), strategies used for research purposes, the uses of wikis, blogs and electronic journals and more! It was a splendid learning journey plus the excursion we went to that our Tutor, Miss Faridah organised for us. Gaining more knowledge about advanced technologies were all very useful to us and for our other subjects that requires me to do a lot of research. However, the most important lesson that I will always remember is the skills and techniques she thought us in comparing databases and Google search engine. The ways I could narrow down my research were all thought which I think one of the most important lesson of EIR(:

Miss Faridah had been so much of a help for me in learning this subject and I hope she is satisfied with my work and hopefully I did met the requirements of all the assignments I did. She had been really nice and easy to approach. Every time having problem with my work or I did not understand a certain part, it is not a problem to ask for her help! It was very nice of her (: Thank you so much Miss Faridah for being very amiable, auspicious, and more great values and characters that could describe her! I really like the way she thought us by sharing with us music videos that related to our lives, giving us a learning point too! 

This is Miss Faridah!
(Its not plagiarised right since I edited it myself hehehe :D)

Overall it was an exciting journey, learning new things that will help me for my other subjects that require researching too! It's been really helpful, been enjoying EIR lessons so much, however, all good thing will come to an end right? Its all depends on me now to continue my learning journey in other subjects area and aspects! EIR learning journey would be like wonderful colour pencils where it will colour my life with different colours when I'm in need of it! For example, different colour will represent different aspects of EIR lesson I have learnt and when I needed it in a certain subject area, I'm sure it will be useful for me to use these "colour pencils" to help me through. Once again, thank you so much for educating me~! :D

"I do the very best I know, the very best  I can,
and I mean to keep on doing so until 
the end..."

I'll end this post with a poem originally by me, hope you like it! :P

"It comes to a point where this class ends

& for every research we accomplished,

is another break through, 

but every ending will start something new."

Yours sincerely,
Nurul Shafiqah Rahim PC02!   

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