Tuesday 7 August 2012

It's The End.

Journey of my first CDS has ended after a short period of four months. Being a newbie to school and all the subjects, EIR has given me the opportunity to learn about what is Internet ethics, researching about the different Internet resources (about how effective they are and their differences), strategies used for research purposes, the uses of wikis, blogs and electronic journals and more! It was a splendid learning journey plus the excursion we went to that our Tutor, Miss Faridah organised for us. Gaining more knowledge about advanced technologies were all very useful to us and for our other subjects that requires me to do a lot of research. However, the most important lesson that I will always remember is the skills and techniques she thought us in comparing databases and Google search engine. The ways I could narrow down my research were all thought which I think one of the most important lesson of EIR(:

Miss Faridah had been so much of a help for me in learning this subject and I hope she is satisfied with my work and hopefully I did met the requirements of all the assignments I did. She had been really nice and easy to approach. Every time having problem with my work or I did not understand a certain part, it is not a problem to ask for her help! It was very nice of her (: Thank you so much Miss Faridah for being very amiable, auspicious, and more great values and characters that could describe her! I really like the way she thought us by sharing with us music videos that related to our lives, giving us a learning point too! 

This is Miss Faridah!
(Its not plagiarised right since I edited it myself hehehe :D)

Overall it was an exciting journey, learning new things that will help me for my other subjects that require researching too! It's been really helpful, been enjoying EIR lessons so much, however, all good thing will come to an end right? Its all depends on me now to continue my learning journey in other subjects area and aspects! EIR learning journey would be like wonderful colour pencils where it will colour my life with different colours when I'm in need of it! For example, different colour will represent different aspects of EIR lesson I have learnt and when I needed it in a certain subject area, I'm sure it will be useful for me to use these "colour pencils" to help me through. Once again, thank you so much for educating me~! :D

"I do the very best I know, the very best  I can,
and I mean to keep on doing so until 
the end..."

I'll end this post with a poem originally by me, hope you like it! :P

"It comes to a point where this class ends

& for every research we accomplished,

is another break through, 

but every ending will start something new."

Yours sincerely,
Nurul Shafiqah Rahim PC02!   

Sunday 15 July 2012

Trip to iExperience, iDA.

Through this blog post, I will story it like a time line which will let you have the feel of how the outing was and understands what I have learnt. Come, let's follow me and start the tour! :D

Firstly, lets start with introducing. This is a picture of me and my group mates in front of the iExperience location. The place is interesting though it is placed in a public mall where a lot of people walked pass it. (From left, Mitzi, me, Rostina, Shi Jia and Ting Ting).

Once we reached, this enormous screen caught our attention. We took a lot of pictures as there's a camera screening us on the screen and we all think it is cool! Being amazed ourselves, passer-by were impressed too since it is such a huge thing in a mall that some stopped to look at us taking picture. It was a new experience for me since I have not seen something like this.

Another thing that caught my eyes is these obsolete gadgets that are no longer used in this century of the modern world! This is a picture of an old and classic computer that was designed in the olden days before advanced computers and laptops were born. 

NEC microcomputer, 1983.

Followed by this very ancient telephone extension switchboard! I never know that telephones were this big during the olden days! It really surprised me as compared to now it has a very big drastic difference and though we can't connect to the other we can even leave a message or record our message too. This gadget was needed operators to assist in setting up the calls too which is different with now too.

Direct Extension Switchboard, mid 20th Century.

I am sure many are aware of this antique telephone and were still in used in some homes even though it is tedious to dial the numbers, because of its uniqueness of the design. This phone is something that can still be found these days in more ranges of designs too. 

Wall Mount Rotary Dial Phone, 1990s.

After roaming around the exhibits, the educator thought us about the different advance gadgets there that are useful and easy access for future. Like smart TVs that can be used to pull down blindfolds, switching on a lamp, and also watch videos from the net through the television by just using one remote control! It really surprised me by how modern and well-developed the technology these days. 

This is one of the technologies there, it is a machine that already been used in Korea in their shopping malls when I don't even know it existed. This is one of the cool gadgets I think but the next two gadgets would be the ones that are the best and interesting to me.

This is the interactive table that I find very interesting to me as I am sure learning will not be as boring! The educator thought us of how to use it and we can even do our projects together and not troubling ourselves to share laptops with a small screen. With this interactive table, sharing of screen, doing work together can be very efficient and fast when everybody can do things together!

There are games too! Who doesn't love game right? We played around with the table and played jigsaw puzzle together with my classmates. We enjoyed it too and again, I didn't know this thing existed. There is a lot that I learnt from this trip and really think it is beneficial and made me aware of the future techs.

Another cool and interesting gadget we explored and saw at the exhibition was this shop scanner thing! We no longer need to go around the supermarket and look for the thing but to just scan it using our phone for the things we need. With that, it's possible to make the payment via phone too and the items will arrive to our house. I think this is very interesting as its less time and energy consuming, plus better for busy people too. 

That was the last exhibit that was shown to us and I think it is very nice trip. We even took a photo with some of the gadgets and they edited for us on the spot! They used the SMRT bus and edit our picture on it as a class. Souvenir was given too! We were given the Internet cable below this picture (:

Internet cable as souvenirs. :)

Overall, I think this trip is very fun and short. Of course I rather go on trips like this than sitting in class going through lessons. Through this trip too we have learnt a lot of things about the advance technologies used currently and going to be use in the future and I find it more efficient than not paying attention in class. They are efficient as we have more hands-on activities like trying out the gadgets, playing around with it and understands how it works. We get to see the real gadgets rather than just listening to the theories without experiencing it ourselves, thus, being a very effective and efficient learning journey.

About the Internet ethics that was covered in the slides, it has mentioned about blogging ethics where you create a blog when you need one. Similarly like what I am doing, which it is for school and I provide the correct spelling and grammar, not having inappropriate words. All of my post are originally from myself and the animated pictures were the ones I edited too so I guess there is not issue on plagiarism as I am aware it is important to cite as it is a major crime for plagiarism. 

And as for applying the ethical issues to the exhibits there, I think "Internet Discussion Forum" would have the link here as there were two computers that in future, were used to discuss with teachers in class. The teacher were able to control what the students were doing in class if they're not paying attention. If the lecturer that were careless and accidentally passed out wrong notes or files to the students like personal files or something can cause harm to them too as students can spread out rumours fast and this will bring harm to the lecturer. This is under the "Internet Discussion Forum" ethics as 

The exhibit is also mainly about Internet connections that is much advance where they can connect everybody and to be closer with each other. This really implies on the Internet Discussion Forum of the ethical issues as there may be increase number of problems of humans behaviours of spreading rumours, socially aggressive, harassment, surveillance and more.

Lastly, a nice complete photo together! Miss Faridah!
All of us attend this exhibit! Hehehe :D

Monday 23 April 2012

Introduction. ♥

So we were told to blog about ourselves. Hmm let me see, my name is Shafiqah from C317 and I am in Diploma of Interactive Media Informatics. Its not my first choice though and kind of disappointed so yeah learnt my lesson and going to work harder in Poly life! Getting to know more about my classmates and course make me more interested! So this motivates me to achieve my goal of striving hard to succeed. Hope I did better compared to my secondary school life. There's a lot in me that needs improvements and I really hope to achieve it 

Nickname? I love the name "NunuDottz" Its a combination of my name and I love polka dots. Nunu came from "Nurul" which is my front name. I am a kind of easy going and very happy kid. I don't really get sad for little things. I upload two pictures there as for orientation camp, I didn't put my scarf on and for school I do. Its easy to recognise me in class as I'm the only one who wears one hehe. Oh yes and I LOVE RED SO MUCH. ELMO TOOOOO I actually love colourful stuffs too, its like rainbows with a lot of colours! It symbolises something lively and cheerful rather than just black&white boring colours and its like "dead".. To me colourful things brings joy and happiness with that I'm happy to have colourful things ^^


As for hobbies, I don't really have one though. It all depends on my mood of what I feel like doing. Usual routine would be checking twitter and sometimes reading books too hehe. Celebrities, I love CNBLUE (A korean rock band) that consist of four members. Their musics really captures my heart and the lyrics were meaningful too plus the upbeat sound of the song as its all are very interesting and unique, different like normal songs. Though I can't understand Korea, I make the effort to read up the lyrics translation and I usually does that to all the songs hehe. Yes I know, fanatic much. Big Bang would be my second favourite! I love dancing too so their songs can always make me feel like dancing like "Syiok like that ahh!" HAHAH :D

Movies and Tv shows, hmm. Guess Running Man would always be the best show to watch! I watched all their episodes which is up to 90 episodes already and it inspire me so much to "win" for every single mission that is given and to relate to my life now, to achieve the diploma cert that makes me a winner for myself. Movies would be all time favourite Knight&Day and Killers. Don't know why but I just don't get bored watching both :D Of course I'm not 100% all Korean pop, also have English okay hehehe! 

Anyway, looking forward for a bright future and I hope I can achieve that through my 3 years learning journey in Temasek Polytechnic. I want to achieve the Diploma with merit too hehe :D
I guess I shall hold tight on these phrases to ignore what bad things others said and just stood up for what I want;

"You can take everything I have, 
you can break everything I am,
like I'm made of glass, like I'm made of paper.
Go on and try to tear me down,
I will be rising from the ground.
Like a skyscraper!"

-Demi Lovato.

Though most people listen to this song and categorised it under love song, I took that part of the chorus part of the song as a motivation for me to even strive more and keep my spirits burning and not to stop the spark. One more thing that I'm trying to believe that money is not everything as this is because my dad don't earn much and I'm in Poly now that cause quite a lot to manage. So yeah, made them proud for entering poly, gonna continue to make them proud though we can't afford much stuffs (': This song also can be motivation to all, enjoy (: *The lyrics are important*